Document Type : Articles


Horticulture & Landscape Dept College of Agriculture , Tikrit University- Iraq


The experiment was carried out in the wooden canopy of the Department of Horticulture and Landscaping – College of Agriculture – Tikrit University for the autumn season  2021 , the experiment included studying the effect of tow overlapping factors , the first being spraying with chemical fertilizer NPK ( 0 , 1.5 gm L-1 )  and the second factor included the spraying of compost tea fertilizer ( poultry manure extract ) at levels ( 0 , 50 , 100 gm L-1 ) . The experiment designed by randomized complete block design ( RCBD ) with three replicates , the results showed the superiority of plants that were sprayed with chemical and organic fertilizers over plants that were not sprayed with either of them . The superiority of spraying with chemical fertilizer NPK at the level of F1 ( 1.5 g L-1 ) in plant height cm , number of leaves leaf plant-1 , leaf area cm2 , number of flowers flower plant-1 , weight of flowers mg , as it gave the highest values reached ( 69.25 cm , 2729.37 leaf plant-1 , 792.87 cm2 , 492.99 flower plant-1 , 0.529 mg ) straight , the lowest values were for the comparison treatment . Also , the same treatment outperformed in the mineral content of the plant , the percentage of volatile oil and the active ingredients .  Also , the treatment of spraying with compost tea was superior in the mentioned characteristics at the level of E2 ( 100 g L-1 ) . The results of the interaction showed that there were significant differences in which the treatment was distinguished F1E2 ( 100g L-1 poultry offal extract + 1.5 g L-1 NPK ) it gave the highest values for the traits ( plant height 71.84 cm , number of leaves 2978.30 leaf plant-1 , total leaf area 862.92 cm2 , number of flowers 525.44 flower plant-1 , weight of flowers 0.556 mg flower-1 , N 2.520% , P 0.396% , K 2.020% , volatile oil 4.52% , Cymen 13.414 mg , Myrcene 3.129 mg , Sabinen 3.319 mg ) , the comparison treatment F0E0 gave the lowest values for the mentioned traits , which amounted to  ( 57.41 cm , 2179.20 leaf plant-1 , 546.54 cm2 , 428.56 flower plant-1 , 0.418 mg flower-1 , 2.346% , 0.296% , 0.997% 3.47% , 11.622 mg , 1.407 mg , 1.508 mg ) straight .


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