Document Type : Articles


Tikrit University – College of Agriculture – Department of Field Crops, Iraq


An experiment was carried out at the Department of Field Crops laboratory, College of Agriculture, University of Tikrit, in order to know the effect of stimulating the stored seeds of triticale  Farah cultivar by α -amylase enzyme  using a complete random design (CRD) in a factorial experiment. The first factor was the storage periods of  6 months, 1.5 years and 2.5 years (S1,S2 and S3) and the second factor was α -amylase enzyme concentrations of 0 (dry seeds), seeds soaked in distilled water, 1 and 2 mg L-1 of the enzyme (C1,C2,C3 and C4). Results showed that increasing the storage period reduces the viability of seeds and their ability to  germinate and seedling characters. The percentage of germination, plumule length, radicale, seedling vigor, plumule dry weight and radical dry weight reduced from 93.5%, 10.68 cm,11.05 cm, 2033.42, 0.1149 g and 0.1231 g in S1 treatment to 83.88%, 7.53cm, 7.5 cm, 1267.1, 0.0977 g and 0.1022 g in S3 treatment. The concentration 1 mg L-1 was superior in germination, plumule length, seedling vigor and plumule dry weight and the values were 92.44, 9.46cm, 1805.78 and 0.1111 g. However the concentration of 2 mg L-1 was superior in radical length and its dry weight. The best interaction was between storage period S1 and enzyme concentration C3 with values of 96.6%, 11.50 cm, 2212.33 and 0.1288 g for germination percentage, plumule length, seedling vigor and plumule dry weight and with the concentration C4 that recorded 11.67 cm and 0.1353 g for radical length and dry weight respectively. 


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