Document Type : Articles


Biotechnology and Crop Science Department, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani-Kurdistan Region of Iraq


Four phosphorus fertilizer rates (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha-1) were evaluated for the nine common vetches (Vicia sativa) varieties ,Clima, Hanka, Mikaela, Lujiliana, Marrianum, Mery, Beybi, Nigra, and Namoi. Experiments was conducted during the winter season of 2019-2020 in the Sulaimani governorate at Qlyasan locations. The experiment was designed in Factorial and conducted in CRBD (Randomized Complete Block Design) with three replications. Means comparison was carried out by the least significant difference (LSD) at a significant level of 5%.Control treatment (no fertilizer application) results in the best value for the plant height, number of leaves plant-1, and leaf stem ratio with 90.106 cm, 104.156, and 0.810, respectively.The application of 30 kg ha-1for the character 100 seed weight recorded a maximum value of 19.064.While the variety number 4 produced the best values 130.083   for the characters number of leaves plant-1, 4.659 for the characters number of branches plant-1, 93.781 for the characters Days to 50% flowering .However variety number 5 gave the maximum value for the characters dry leaf weight and dry stem weight 3.093(g) and 5.08(g) respectively.Variety number 4 recorded a maximum value for the characters Seed yield reached 6840.425(kg ha-1).The character Dry stem weight (g) showed the highest value with 7.407for variety number 5 by Control treatment (no fertilizer application),followed by variety number 6 with values of 2.031 for the character leaf stem ratio. The application of 30 kg ha-1for the character days to 50% flowering recorded a maximum value of 94.953 days by variety number which the interactions between variety number 7 and the application of 60 kg ha-1 a maximum value  for the character no. of branches plant-1 followed by variety number 2 with values 149.443  for the character  days to maturaity . The phosphorus fertilizer application of 90 kg ha-1 showed the maximum number of pod plant-1with 22.073 by variety number 7.The phosphorus fertilizer application of 90 kg ha-1 showed the maximum value for the character no.of Pods plant-1by variety number 7.The character seed yield with 7774.053 kg ha-1 recorded  by variety number 6 under the phosphorus fertilizer application of 30 kg ha-1.


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