Document Type : Articles


Department of Soil Science and Resource Water, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq


A field experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design (R.C.B.D) to study the effect of inoculation with R. leguminosarum at two levels (with and without inoculation) and The compost made from the azolla plant and the interaction between them in efficiency of the root nodule formation and growth and yield of the faba bean plant grown in gypsiferous soil after being isolated and identificated by phenotypic, biochemical and molecular methods, the results showed that there was a significant increase in all plant characteristics of the fertilized and inoculated treatments compared to the  non-inoculated treatment, as outperformed the compost treatment with azolla on the control treatment in all growth and yield traits, and significantly superior the inoculation treatment with Rhizobuim leguminosarum  in all studied traits compared to the control treatment,  and gave the inoculation treatment with Rhizobuim leguminosarum and compost made from the azolla the highest values compared to the control treatment, as the averages were in the number of root nodules, their wet weight and number of the bacteria surrounding the roots (15,000, 2.274 and 6.400 x 104), the plant height and the dry weight of the vegetative part (39,000, 24.995), (gm plant-1  cm plant-1 ) and concentration of the nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in the vegetative part (1487, 238 and 1819) ppm respectively.


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