Document Type : Articles


Soil Sciences and Water Resources Department, College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul


The aim of the study to estimate soil uniformity and development using B horizon, Three pedons were selected within Nineveh Governorate (Rashedyia, Talafar, and Telkaif), The morphological description was carried out according to the principles followed in soil survey staff, (2014), then each pedon was divided into depths and soil samples were taken from these depths to be transferred in to laboratory for physical and chemical analysis, also some of sand particles separated by different size of sieves. The results showed an increase in sand particles values downward to the third depth and then decreased again in the fourth depth in most study sites. A parallel curve was reached at Talafar 's location within the deepest except for the fifth depth, which showed an intersection in the size of the very coarse sand (VCS), which gave a lower proportion of the rest of the depths, due to the fact that the sampling was taken advantage of the grazing area and there was no equal movement of that size between the depths, albeit slight. The values of the ratio of fine sand to the total sand showed that they were relatively lower than the values of the ratio of fine sand to coarse sand for all locations, its rates ranged (0.41 - 0.83), the standard deviation values from the arithmetic mean were less than 21% in all locations except the surface layer at Telkaif, which amounted to (30.61%).


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