Document Type : Articles


Animal production department, Collage of Agriculture. Tikrit University, Iraq


   This study was conducted in the farm of the Department of Animal Production, college of Agriculture –Tikrit University for the duration of 19/11/2021 to 23/12/2021. The aim this to study the effect of colour plumage and breeding system on the traits reproductive of Japanese quail Use in this experiment 180 A quail bird of age 21 Days were divided into two groups according to the colour of plumage 90 brown bird and 90 Black birds, each group divided that was raised in two breeding systems (batteries and floor). each breeding systems Contain 45 bird and is divided into three replicates, each replicate contains 15 the bird, and the sex ratio was used 2:1. The results showed no significant effect of plumage color and breeding system on the hatchability from total eggs, hatchability from fertilized eggs, fertility rate, embryonic mortality, superiority of brown quails over blacks in the weight of the first egg, while black quails outperformed brown ones in weight at maturity sexual.


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