Document Type : Articles


Food Sci .Dept., College of Agriculture, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq


A low – fat and calories cake was manufactured by replacing fat with margarine and oil in levels (25, 50, 75 and 100%) , with the cake improver in levels (1, 3, 5, and 7%) with adding 25% resistant starch (RS) instead of fat, also MDG is used in (0.1, 1, 2 and 3%) with adding 25% RS instead of fat. Chemical tests were done and some sensory Characteristics of the cake were estimated. The results showed an increase in the moisture content of the produced cake resulted from the replacement of fat with margarine, oil and MDG by (25,50,75,100) %. Ash value increase when replaced cake improver and margarine by 100% and a high percentage of fat increase when substituted margarine by (25,100) %and reached (21.33,20.8) %, respectively. Also, high protein values where observed when replacing fat with oil and MDG. The results showed an increase in the percentage of carbohydrates when replacing the improver with (25 and 50) %, which reached (64.01 and 63.07) %, respectively. The results indicated that replacing the fat with improves, margarine, oil, or MDG with 100% improved the quality of the produced cake. Calories were estimated and some staling evaluations of the laboratory cake were studied. The penetration test showed that there were significant differences between the results of the studied treatments, as significant differences appeared in the fat replacer treatments for the improver and margarine at (25,100)% which had to (14.0,9.33,14.33,10.33)% mm, respectively, as well when replacing the MDG with (0.1,3)%which is (16.0,11.0)% mm, respectively. The results showed the possibility of processing a low fat and calorie cake in good specifications and the same shelf – life of the commercial ordinary cake.
