Document Type : Articles


1 General Directorate of Education in Kirkuk Governorate, Ministry of Education

2 Horticulture Dept., College of Agriculture, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq


The study was conducted during the two growing seasons (2019 and 2020) on grape vines (Halawani and Kamali varieties) in the vine yard of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design- College of Agriculture- Tikrit University. The vines cultivated in 2016. The experiment was conducted with three factors, the first, is the varieties (Halawani and Kamali),  the second is agricultural Sulfur (S) with three levels, (S0:, S1: 250 g. vine-1,and S2: 500 gm. vine-1) and the third factor is the spraying of  “Super Docson” nutrient solution with three concentrations (P0 : spraying with distilled water, P1 :  1.2 ml. L-1 ,  P2 :  2.4 ml. L-1). The spraying was done in Early morning to until complete wetness. The experiment was carried out with the split plot system in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The varieties took the main plots, while the sulfur and nutrient treatments were randomly distributed on the sub plots, by three replications and the results showed That, the Halawani variety was excellence on Kamali in most studied traits, and which included (leaf area of vine(m2.vine -1) , main branch length(cm), leaf chlorophyll content, vine yield(kg) and total yield(tons.ha-1). And the results showed excellence at concentrate 2.4 ml. L-1   for nutrient and at level 500 g for sulfur in most studied traits.


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