Document Type : Articles


Anatomy and Histology Department - Veterinary Medicine College - Diyala University / Iraq.


Although; the liver has been studied in several types of birds, but regarding, Muscovy Duck, it is yet not to be done. Thus the current study has been accomplished to identify the anatomical features and recognize the histomorphological architecture and the differences in the structural components of the liver in this bird. The study was achieved on eight birds of both sexes, aged (ten to fifteen) months, slaughtered by the halal method and divided into two groups: anatomical and histological. Anatomical results showed that the liver of Muscovy duck is situated at the cranial part of the celomic cavity; the shape is adapted to the adjacent internal body wall and related organs like the proventriculus, gall bladder and gizzard. Histologically our results revealed that no histological difference between the right and left lobes of liver and it's a large lobed gland enclosed by serosal coat or covering which have a delicate capsule from connective tissue that extends to divided the gland into lobes with less extension to lobules. The liver parenchyma made of hepatic cells called hepatocytes that organized in branching cords that separated via sinusoids and be radiated around the central vein.


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