Document Type : Articles
Horticulture and Landscape Dep., Faculty of Agriculture, Tikrit Univ., Iraq
The experiment was carried out in the lathhouse the Department of Horticulture and Landscape, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University during the spring of 2020. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect of humic acid and NPK fertilizers on the vegetative growth and flowering of Pelargonium graveolens L. Two factors including humic acid fertilizer (without, with addition at 3 g pot-1) and chemical fertilizer NPK (without addition, addition at 1g L-1, or at 2 g L-1) were used. The experiment was implemented according to the randomized complete block design (RCBD). The results showed that addition of humic acid had the highest percentage of phosphorus in the leaves (0.447%). On the other hand, the treatment of 1g liter-1 NPK was superior in plant height (42.330 cm plant -1) and number of flowers (34.718) while the treatment of 2g L-1 had the highest number of leaves (217.08) and leaf area (189.06 cm2).
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